The astrophotos on this page were taken from my front deck with the Unibrain Fire-i monochrome board camera, captured with Astro IIDC and processed by Lynkeos, Keith's Image Stacker and Photoshop.  All pictures taken with the Meade 12.5" Starfinder with Dob Driver II tracking.

Click on any image to see original photo.


First RGB image with the Fire-i, 10/30/05.  A major dust storm is visible on right side.  Filters used: red #25, green #56 and violet #47.   These are fake colors, don't have an IR blocking filter yet (on order).  

First RGB image with the IR blocking filter, 11/3/05.  Absolutely terrible seeing but at least the colors are honest, balanced so the polar cap is white.  Filters used: red #23A, green #58 and blue #38A.   

11/12/05.  Moderate seeing.  Filters used: red #23A, green #58 and blue #38A.

11/15/05.  Good seeing, best picture yet.  Filters used: red #23A, green #58 and blue #38A.

11/16/05.  Better still - we even get  a hint of the south polar cap (at top).  Filters used: red #23A, green #58 and blue #38A.

11/19/05.   Filters used: red #23A, green #58 and blue #38A.


1/18/05.  First Saturn picture, in white light (w/ IR blocking filter), since it's too dim for the camera through a narrow-band filter.  Best 40 of 1000 images

Moon images, most taken with red #25 and IR blocking filters

Hadley rille in the Appenine mountains in the afternoon (L, taken 10/22/05, best 232 of 5000 images) and the morning (R, taken 11/11/05, best 40 of 900 images) site of the Apollo 15 landing (for a different view click here).  3x barlow . 

Theophilus region  (L) and  crater (R, with 3x barlow).  10/22/05.  Left image is best 40 or so of 900 images, right image is best of 900.


Theophilus 11/18/05.  3x barlow.  Best of 1000 images.


Posidonius region 10/22/05.  Best 40 or so of 900 images.

Tycho region (L) and Tycho crater (R). 10/22/05.  Left image is best image of 900 images, right is a stack of best 40 of 900.

The southern Sea of Traquility, site of the Apollo 11 landing (and previous unmanned landings/impacts) 11/19/05.  Note the three craters named for the Apollo 11 astronauts.  For another view click here.  Stack of best 40 of 1000

Bulliadus 10/12/05.  Best of 1000 images.

Companus region 10/12/05.  Best of 1000 images.

Condorcet region 10/16/05.  Best of 1000 images.

Copernicus! 10/11/05.  Stack of best 74 of 1000 images.

Fabriolus (center) and  Metius (upper R) in the southern highlands 10/18/05.  Best of 1000 images.

Gassendi 10/12/05.  Best of 1000 images.

Hercules (left) and  Atlas (right) 10/18/05.  Best of 1000 images.

Herschel 10/12/05.  Best of 1000 images.

The northwest shore of Sinus Iridum 10/12/05.  Best of 1000 images.

Kepler 10/12/05.  This is special to me because Kepler is one of my heros, and I work on the Kepler mission Stack of best 41 of 1000 images.

Langrenus 10/16/05.  Best of 1000 images.

The Taurus-Littrow mountains, site of the Apollo 17 landing. 10/18/05 (L) and 10/19/05 (R).  For another view click here or here (and click on the picture).  Stacks of 20 best of 1000 images.


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