Mother and Baby Humpback Whale in Kealakekua Bay

Kealakekua bay is a large (0.8 mile diameter) bay half open tothe ocean. On the far side of the bay in the trees is a whitemonument near where Captain Cook was killed. In January of 1999we were blessed by the birth of a baby humpback whale in the bay.My friends told me of listening to the mother slap her tail thenthe baby slapping its tail well into the night. Several dayslater we swam out to see what would happen. We got very lucky...

This is the view I had when I first came upon them. I wasactually looking in the water for jellyfish as I had just beenstung. I thought I was looking at a jellyfish when I realized itwas the mother whale's fin! I stopped a respectful 45 - 50 feetaway. The water was murky and the sun was low as it was about 4in the afternoon.

The baby whaleswimming straight up by the mother's tail. We are looking at theunderside of the baby.

The mother and baby rising to the surface. They wereindescribably graceful and powerful.

The mother breathing on the surface. It was amazing to hear herbreath from so close up.

My friend Lynn on the surface after our two encounters. We werestunned beyond words.

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