We grieve the loss
of the entire crew of STS-107, but Kalpana Chawla was my friend. For several
years she worked across the hall at NASA Ames. Together we formed the
Ames Amateur Astronomical Association. We had lunch together once or twice
a week. She gave me a much-treasured prayer scarf on her return from a
visit to India. I helped her move to Houston when she became an astronaut.
was one of the brightest and friendliest people I've ever known. Like
all who knew her. we miss her dearly.

The Launch of STS-107
We viewed the launch from the Banana River viewing site (for
NASA guests), next to the Saturn V center, about four miles from the launch
pad. It was the first launch either of us had seen. Hanna shot the video.
Video of the launch from ignition to SRB separation
Stills from the video.
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