Pictures taken with a Canon A70 through a 12.5" Meade Starfinder telescope
whole_moon_2.jpg |
whole_moon.jpg |
copernicus_bright.jpg |
The gibbous moon, soft version. !0 frames stacked | The same frames with more sharpening | A longer exposure of Copernicus. 10 frames stacked |
copernicus_dim.jpg |
copernicus_dim_2_close.jpg |
copernicus_hi-mag.jpg |
Shorter exposure, 10 frames stacked | A crop from the previous picture at full resolution | 8 frames stacked, taken at higher magnification |
plato.jpg |
plato_close.jpg |
tycho.jpg |
Plato and vicinity, 10 frames stacked | A crop from the previous picture at full resolution | The Tycho/Clavius region. 10 frames stacked |
tycho_close.jpg |
appenines.jpg |
A crop from the previous image at full resolution | Five frames stacked, taken at high magnification |