daniel_pool_med.jpgElves chasm is a cascade of small waterfalls going upa good thousand feet. The highlight of the trip is the climb to upper Elves. You find beautiful pools and waterfalls, like this one with Daniel. (42.3KB)
steve_pool.jpgHere we are cavorting in one of the pools (this picture hasbeen censored). It had gotten quite hot by this time.(35.5KB)
elves_group.jpgThe crew. Left to right: me, Daniel, Douglas and Tom. (27.9KB)
frog.jpgSome of the native wildlife several hundred feet up elves. (13.1KB)
elves_wall.jpgA very special spot. (55.6KB)
pushd.jpgThe first few hundred feet up elves are not too hard. To go higher you have to be a very good climber. Douglas was the only one of us who could get that farwithout assistance, so he pushed us and came after. I am forever in his debt for getting meup there. (16.9KB)
upper_elves_vista.jpgUpper Elves is a wonderland of rocks, water and textures. We all felt that we had entered anotherrealm of creation. (43.9KB)
upper_elves_wall.jpgA wall encircled us, alive with water, color and shapes. We agreed that we had entered awomb... (59.1KB)
upper_elves_boulders.jpgWe felt so small there, but completely at peace. (20.2KB)
upper_elves_falls.jpg Water dripping down the wall. The water falls maybe 50 feet. (55.9KB)