1/18/05. First Saturn picture, in white light (w/ IR blocking filter), since it's too dim for the camera through a narrow-band filter. Best 40 of 1000 images |
Hadley rille in the Appenine mountains in the afternoon (L, taken 10/22/05, best 232 of 5000 images) and the morning (R, taken 11/11/05, best 40 of 900 images) site of the Apollo 15 landing (for a different view click here). 3x barlow . |
Theophilus region (L) and crater (R, with 3x barlow). 10/22/05. Left image is best 40 or so of 900 images, right image is best of 900. |
Theophilus 11/18/05. 3x barlow. Best of 1000 images. |
Posidonius region 10/22/05. Best 40 or so of 900 images. |
Tycho region (L) and Tycho crater (R). 10/22/05. Left image is best image of 900 images, right is a stack of best 40 of 900. |
southern Sea of Traquility, site of the Apollo 11 landing (and previous
unmanned landings/impacts) 11/19/05. Note the three craters named
for the Apollo 11 astronauts. For another view click here. Stack of best 40 of 1000 |
Bulliadus 10/12/05. Best of 1000 images. |
Companus region 10/12/05. Best of 1000 images. |
Condorcet region 10/16/05. Best of 1000 images. |
Copernicus! 10/11/05. Stack of best 74 of 1000 images. |
Fabriolus (center) and Metius (upper R) in the southern highlands 10/18/05. Best of 1000 images. |
Gassendi 10/12/05. Best of 1000 images. |
Hercules (left) and Atlas (right) 10/18/05. Best of 1000 images. |
Herschel 10/12/05. Best of 1000 images. |
The northwest shore of Sinus Iridum 10/12/05. Best of 1000 images. |
Kepler 10/12/05. This is special to me because Kepler is one of my heros, and I work on the Kepler mission Stack of best 41 of 1000 images. |
Langrenus 10/16/05. Best of 1000 images. |
The Taurus-Littrow mountains, site of the Apollo 17 landing. 10/18/05 (L) and 10/19/05 (R). For another view click here or here (and click on the picture). Stacks of 20 best of 1000 images. |