Dolphins in Kealakekua Bay

Kealakekua bay is a large (0.8 mile diameter) bay half open tothe ocean. On the far side of the bay in the trees is a whitemonument near where Captain Cook was killed. Spinner dolphins arecommonly found here, and if you swim a third- to a half-mile outyou may find yourself surrounded. Don't chase them though: theyare a lot faster than you'll ever be and it's not nice. Bepatient: they'll come to you. (Aug 1998)

In August, I swam to the Cook monument (which has a nice reef).Halfway there I had this great encounter with a small pod ofdolphins which almost surfaced into me. (Aug 1998)

There was a great morning with about 100 dolphins. (Jan 1999)

Dolphins play the "leaf game" where they catch largeleafs in the water. They use their snouts (left picture), finsand flippers (right picture). When they drop a leaf they comeback and get it. We watched this for a couple of hours. (Jan1999)

The dolphins were very playful that day, often leaping from thewater. Here's one doing a 360. (Jan 1998)

Here's a visit froma playful guy checking me out. Note the leaf on his flipper inthe first picture. (Jan 1998)

Here's another close encounter. He's about six feet away. (Jan1998)

Some very nice light shots. (Jan 1998)

Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin Links

TheSpinner Study by Suchi Psarakos ofEarthTrust

Info on Hawaaii's Dolphinsby the Pacific Whale Foundation

Dolphins, a nice introto dolphins in general

DolphinHeart: Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins includes"The Official Dolphin Swim Guide"

The Definitive Book:

The Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin
by Kenneth S. Norris, Bernd Wursig, Randall S. Wells and MelanyWursig
with Shannon M. Brownlee, Christine Johnson and Judy Solow

A 20-year study of the Spinner Dolphins ofKealakekua Bay by a distinguished dolphin expert and hisassociates. Comprehensive in content, it includes the dailypatterns of behavior as well as the visual, acoustic,reproductive and breathing experience of dolphins.

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